Marriage is a job where you can't resign, characterized by one man show accompanied by NIL expectations!
(my def... How Scary!)
(my def... How Scary!)
Hm... Sounds strange! But yup! How many of you have thought of this before?? (May be at 25th anniversary of marriage but not before.. :) ) Precise words can't define the precision in this case. But all who are having crush/affairs/ (1)who are about to get marry should think of all this BEFORE.
This is not only emotional glorious moment in your life; but crossing the bridges of a cute-pampered-tiny winy daughter, you will be a pampering young adult! (Subject is changing gys!! Huge difference! Not just active-passive..!!) You should be able to handle (not only manage ;) your tonnes of responsibilities, running here-N-there for everyone as well as for yourself!
Hey..Oooh..! Can't reign with job yaaar..!! And no other escape from this ...... !!
Wish you all (Going through above mentioned categories(1) ) best wishes. Think,Evaluate yourself,Modify,Strategic Planning,steady growth........ Keep rocking........!!
(** This is written wrt middle class & Upper middle class in India holding bonds of Sanskaras)