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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cooking with " Ketki Itraj" ;) ( For a change ;) :-p )

HI all, Credit of developing a true cook in me goes to :
1. My Mom's Bank - She was unexpectedly transferred out of Pune.
2. My Mom- Who has been cooking fantastically throughout my birth & made me so much used to eating highly yummy , healthy and variety of food. This addiction of eating yummy , healthy and variety of food forced me to cook the way I want & the Dish am crazy about !
3. Aamhi Sare Khawayye- Zee marathi cooking show which actually made me - " Khawayye "
4. Dr. Vrushali sis - Who guided me so well about art & science of cooking & made me aware about the fact that medico s should never be on a back-foot on any front ;) Apart from being out of Pune , she was / is my very best motivator till date. :)

My handmade 1st "Ukdicha Modak" in Life..@Gauri-Ganpat2012
Suralichya Wdya: Once upon a time , I did it !! Lol ;) 2012

Egg Recipe- Akuri Sandwich (Eat with Indian Bread= Wheat Poli / Tortilla / other breads )

Yeh...Egg Recipe Akruri.. Fantastic Nutritional Brunch... Its a dietitian's recommendation !

Home made (by me:p ) Strawberry Milkshake .....

Hmm...... Yummmmmm !

Home made (by me:p ) Strawberry Milkshake .....2
Black current Jelly... It was so yummy & bouncy !
Black current Jelly... It was so yummy & bouncy ! But very high sodium !

Akuri- Egg Recipe Pefect cooked .... !

I dedicate all my success to these four highly responsible bodies . :) I personally feel , I have won the world as I was able to make Suralichya Wadya ! ( After 3 failure attempts :-p ) ...... Doesn't matter even if I don;t ever cook in life..; I am a master-chef from this perspective :-p ;)

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely thank Ganpati Bappa for getting this job done from me :)


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